You used to be able to. There was a site ( with a custom top friends generator, but it's no longer around.
If you really feel like putting alot of work into this, and you know a little bit about coding, you can create a Div Overlay. It's basically your own MySpace page that you design, and then "lay" over your default (plain) profile page.
Here is a tutorial:
It can be tough to make one, and if codes confuse you, you may want to find help. If you're good with photoshop, paintshop pro, or an other graphic editor, that's a good first step.
How can I edit the pic you see on my top 10 myspace friends?
You can't!
The picture you see of your friend[s] on your MySpace page, is the picture they have chosen as their own profile. Only they can alter that picture. You are assuming that because the pictures are showing on your page that they can be changed by you but I'm sorry, that is not the case.
How can I edit the pic you see on my top 10 myspace friends?
create a custom friends space here: I made my friend space there and changed the pic.
How can I edit the pic you see on my top 10 myspace friends?
you can hide your top 10 if you like to. Just go to google and type hide myspace friends and it will give you a code that u copy and paste and you will no longer see thier pics.
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