1. Operation Northwoods, "N E W Y O R K, May 1, 2001 In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.":
2. Alex Jones Predicts Attack: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=...
3. God Help Us: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=...
4. At least 4 hijackers turned up alive, but i heard as many as 7
5. The melting Point of Steel is 3000F and Fire is around 500-700F with burning Jet fuel around 1200-1400F
6. An increase of 400% increase in put options on 9-6-01 and 9-7-01 on serveral airline stocks. An increase of 1100% Increase an in increase of put options on airline stocks on 9-10-01
Click "9/11 Carried out us govt"
New evidence Suggusts 9/11 Was Carried out by the US GOVT?
You are totally correct in one thing. It is new evidence, made up out of no where by people who would be better off in a room with a padded cell.
Is there a lie that is big enough for you kiddies to spot?
New evidence Suggusts 9/11 Was Carried out by the US GOVT?
liberals and their pipedreams.
New evidence Suggusts 9/11 Was Carried out by the US GOVT?
you forgot the part about the aliens from Area 51 who are really the Masters of the World acting thru the Council of Rome and the Illuminatti and the Masons.....
I find it troubling that anyone could even ask this question. let alone belive such a paranoid fantasy.....
New evidence Suggusts 9/11 Was Carried out by the US GOVT?
You've been spending too much time listening to the wack-jobs on late night talk radio, or surfing websites maintained by the same wack-jobs, or reading news reports on the websites maintained by the wack-jobs and the people who listen to them, or maybe all three. The aliens are sitting in the Mothership hiding behind the moon just laughing at you.
New evidence Suggusts 9/11 Was Carried out by the US GOVT?
Definitely. Some of the evidence has been around for a long time, but people are only just beginning to be able to accept it.
The government's official story is so full of holes and obvious lies that it is unbelievable, so an alternative answer is required.
In searching for that answer, it becomes obvious that the government had to be so inolved that no-one but the government could have done it.
A logical explanation is given at the site below
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