Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Why do I still love my ex boyfriend,when he said he doesn't love me anymore?

I was going out with a guy for 10 months and I fell in love with him after about 3 months of our relationship.He was the first guy I had ever loved and I gave him my virginity.After about 10 months he said he wanted to break up,I was upset but I could have gotton over it.We'll he was leaving for a cruise about 4 days later and the night before he left he said he still loved me.He left for the cruise the next day and I didn't really talk to him any of his trip.When I saw I wan't #1 on his myspace I asked a new girl on his top about it...she said his gf was on the cruise with them.I was so hurt and when he came back he told me he forgot that he had a girlfriend!its been like 4 months and it still hurts really badly!Im now going out with one of his friends(not out of revenge but because I like his friend) yes I am in love with his friend but why does it still hurt!He loves another girl and it makes me really jelous I really miss him! HELP

Why do I still love my ex boyfriend,when he said he doesn't love me anymore?

the only reason you still have feelings for him is because you gave him your virginity.....i mean that is something special to women, if he dumped you after you gave him something so special its because that is the only thing he was aming for.....my advice don't feel bad anymore the one who should fee bad is that @55hole that broke your heart when he knew how much he meant to you. If his friend treats you better then be his entirely. best of luck!

Why do I still love my ex boyfriend,when he said he doesn't love me anymore?

we tend to want what we cant have and dont realize what we have until it is gone. sorry

Why do I still love my ex boyfriend,when he said he doesn't love me anymore?

Plain and simple, the heart wants what the heart wants

Why do I still love my ex boyfriend,when he said he doesn't love me anymore?

If he replaced you with a new girl, your perceived flaws in yourself rise to the surface. You start to think of ways that you're inferior to the other girl, since he likes her now and not you. This stings but holds no water in a logical mind.

Why do I still love my ex boyfriend,when he said he doesn't love me anymore?

because u not with him he probably got a new girl after you left him....find another guy on target.com

Why do I still love my ex boyfriend,when he said he doesn't love me anymore?

The reason your hurting so muc his because you gave him your virginity. No matter what... you will never be able to forget the guy you lost it to because it was something special... I know its going to hurt but try to forget about him and make your relationship better with your new boyfriend... Good Luck

Why do I still love my ex boyfriend,when he said he doesn't love me anymore?

Welcome to the harsh world of love.. I am sure most people have a similar experience if not worse of heart break. Just be strong my lady. Try not have anything that reminds you of him and hold yourself back from looking at his profile. Time is the only thing that cures heart break not revenge or another love. So give it some time, you will get through this. Do Good

Why do I still love my ex boyfriend,when he said he doesn't love me anymore?

because he was your first love your first sex partner so thats why but you shouldnt have gave it up thats probably why he did it........ the same thing happened to my friend well it was similar

Why do I still love my ex boyfriend,when he said he doesn't love me anymore?

In my experience with love once you love someone it never really goes away. I was married for 13 years been split up for 2 and still find myself jealous of his new girlfriend or just missing him from time to time. You have to just let the thoughts pass they have gotten less with time. True love never goes away even if for whatever reason you can't be together. HANG IN THERE!!!

Why do I still love my ex boyfriend,when he said he doesn't love me anymore?

well just because he said that he didn't love U anymore doesn't mean that u aren't still in love with him. with ur new boyfriend however do some of the things that u didn't do with ur ex. u'll miss him for a while because of the things u did with him, but u WILL get over him. don't worry u'll be fine.

Why do I still love my ex boyfriend,when he said he doesn't love me anymore?

Well I have to say that love hurts trust me it hurts really bad. You going out with his friend might make things badder than its already are you need to take a step back and think would you really be happy with even if that's your ex bf best friend. and also don't get jealous of the new gf your ex bf got if you really want to make him mad get sum body that will love you 4 u and trust me what I say he will feel hurt that he let you go.

Why do I still love my ex boyfriend,when he said he doesn't love me anymore?

At this point its just too late to do it BUT you need to let go. He obviously wasn't the right guy for you and its going to hurt especially since he was your first

I'm sure you're still young BUT heartbreak happens its a part of life we all go through it.

In regards to the guy that you're seeing now--you might ruin a good thing because you're thinking about it too much. No guy wants to be with a girl who is constantly comparing him to or pining over an ex-boyfriend-even if you're not consciously doing it, I'm sure he sees that something is amiss.

So my advice is take a deep breathe and relax cause with heartbreak comes happiness.

Roll with the Punches and Let It Go...

Why do I still love my ex boyfriend,when he said he doesn't love me anymore?


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