Thursday, December 3, 2009

BOYFRIEND PROBLEMS!. Plz help before I go CRAZY!?

Ok.. I am posting this again because I added more info. sorry if its long.. I'd really apperciate it if you all read it and tried to give advice/answers.. I don't really have any one in my real life to seek advice/help from.

Ok.. my boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 3 months now.. he tells me he is in love with me. considers me his girlfriend ( I asked him that as recent as thursday and he said yes I am his girlfriend and yes he wants and love me)..and that he wants me/etc etc..

well I redid his myspace page and changed his status to "in a relationship" on myspace.. (he gave me his password to go on there and redo his whole page a few days ago).. well today i went to logg onto it because i found some more cool stuff for his page and get this.. he CHANGED his password! and his status is "single"

I am utterly confused as HELL!.. also he didn't call me all day yesterday.. and so far nothing today?!.. we usually hang out on weekends.

Also.. he admitted to me a few days ago that he WANTS to get me pregnant... that he wants for me to have his baby and soon. He ALWAYS wants to "finish the act" inside of me in hopes of getting me pregnant!

HELP before I lose my mind!

15 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

Additional Details

12 minutes ago

Also.. let me add that when I was on his myspace page.. I did notice 2 messages from these pretty girls..

I did get suspicious (which I have every right to!!) and read them

First one.. was a chick saying.. "well i see you got a new woman?" and he reply's back with.. "nah.. I am still up in the air with that at the moment" (my myspace picture was a picture of him and I making out.. and its his first friend on his top friends.. so she musta seen it)

the second one was.. him tryin to meet a chick!.. he said.. "i see u are on my friends list and we never talk.. i would like to make new friends and see what happens from there".. again, WTF?!

I don't kno if and how I should bring that up to him.. because he would probably never trust me again (if he still wants me.. as of now i am clueless since i havent heard from him since thursday).. should i tell him i did read the messages.. or not? what if he says he changed his password because he noticed i read them?

HELP!. so sad : (

7 minutes ago

Ok.. if he DOESN'T want to be in a relationsahip with me.. then WHY doesn't he just come out and TELL me?? I even have ASKED him "what do u want with me?" and he said "a relationship.. for you to be my girl" when I first met him (first night) I asked "what are you looking for?" he said.. "I want to settle down with someone.. I am not looking for drama.. I want something real" he is 25.. I am 22.

He knows my past relationships and heartache.. i've told him numerous times.. i was even married.. i was promising myself that i was done with men/relationships for a LONG time.. well HE found ME on myspace and sent ME a friend request and message!.. and now he is slowly but surely going to wind up breaking my heart when he PROMISED he wasen't like that and that he truely does love and want me.

let me also add that he has had a problem with crystal meth (he says he hasent done it for a month and is completely done with it now).. (his roomate and I don't believe it)

3 minutes ago

well.. he doesn't answer his phone!!.. he hardly answers it for anyone.. when i am with him and his phone vibrates or lights up (he keeps it on silent almost all the time) he ignores it and by the end of the day he has like 10 missed calls/messages.

when he WANTS to talk to me he will call me.. or finally answer when I call and have some lame excuse of.. "i was asleep" "I was working" (he doesnt have a regular job.. he works for 1 other dude who by the way is a hook up for meth, and he has told me himself that this dude hardley ever pays him so that is why he hardly ever goes to work) or the other excuse "I am sick".. he is ALWAYS saying he is sick.. ALWAYS

a few days ago we were on the phone for 5 minutes and he is all.. "i will call you back.. i am bout to go throw up right now".. well.. never called back.

I don't know anymore.. I just don't get it.. when I ask whats up.. he says "nothing.. why do u ALWAYS ask?!" then he gets pissed at me saying im paranoid.

0 seconds ago

WHY does he want me to get pregnant with his baby if he is NOT wanting to be serious about me?? WHY?!

that makes abosofirckinlutley NO sense AT ALL!

and WHY when I ask him "do u want me as ur girlfriend.. do u really love me?" he says " YES Lindsay.. I do.. i love you and want you. etc etc" WHY?! He told me he loved me WAY before I told him.. and he even said.. "i mean it.. but dont feel like u gotta say it.. take ur time and say it when u feel it" even his roomate told me that he doesn't ever tell girls that he loves them.. and he has known and lived with him for 4 years.

BOYFRIEND PROBLEMS!. Plz help before I go CRAZY!?

I'm sorry hun, but you deserve way much more.

my advice is to dump him and go on, it wont hurt as much as staying with him.

i know you must love him, thats why your confused cause its hard to leave someone you love.

BOYFRIEND PROBLEMS!. Plz help before I go CRAZY!?

sorry didn't have to read the whole story, he is a user. and would probably make a great gigolo. Keep your pants up, and move on. Your Soul Mate is out there, and the 2 of you will meet. Leave this one alone. He is a collector of Broken Hearts, and just wants to add yours to his list.

Ignore him if he calls, and don't be fooled with his excuses.

BOYFRIEND PROBLEMS!. Plz help before I go CRAZY!?

Not to sound rude, but this guy that you met on myspace sounds like a jerk.

He sounds like a loser, and i would leave him and find someone better who will love and respect you- for real.

Its hard, but you can do it.

Good luck. :-)

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