Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wow!! Evidence Suggests 9/11 Was Carried Out By the US GOVT?

1. Operation Northwoods, "N E W Y O R K, May 1, 2001 In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.":;...

2. Alex Jones Predicts Attack:

3. God Help Us:

4. At least 4 hijackers turned up alive, but i heard as many as 7

5. The melting Point of Steel is 3000F and Fire is around 500-700F with burning Jet fuel around 1200-1400F

6. An increase of 400% increase in put options on 9-6-01 and 9-7-01 on serveral airline stocks. An increase of 1100% Increase an in increase of put options on airline stocks on 9-10-01

Im outta room, The rest is at Click "9-11 US GOVT"

Wow!! Evidence Suggests 9/11 Was Carried Out By the US GOVT?

Give this moronic conspiracy dreck a rest. It is boring.

Wow!! Evidence Suggests 9/11 Was Carried Out By the US GOVT?

i really don't think so, how did the editor of put it when she was on the Real Time w/Bill Maher: The US Governement is so incompetant to plan 9/11, they can't even turn on the electricity in Iraq or rescue people after Hurrican Katrina (paphrasing of course).

Wow!! Evidence Suggests 9/11 Was Carried Out By the US GOVT?

Do you have a actual question?

Wow!! Evidence Suggests 9/11 Was Carried Out By the US GOVT?

I swear if I ever see another question like this I am going to scream! Every single thing you have posted here has been debunked hundreds of times before. Please just accept the truth and move on. BTW I am since you are just trying to drive traffic to your myspace blog I am reporting you for spamming.

Wow!! Evidence Suggests 9/11 Was Carried Out By the US GOVT?

There are those with their heads in the sand who would call you a conspiracy nut, but there are so many unanswered questions regarding the events of 9/11 only the truly naive could ignore them.

Such as, what groups of people did not show up for work in the towers that day? This most obvious question of all has never once been addressed to the public. And people think we are getting the whole story? It makes my head hurt.

Wow!! Evidence Suggests 9/11 Was Carried Out By the US GOVT?

well is it a question? wat u think well i don't think so

Wow!! Evidence Suggests 9/11 Was Carried Out By the US GOVT?

I think there is a conspiracy theory for everything in American history. Good grief! We can't go along paranoid that the government is plotting to kill us all. Its not perfect, by far, but to go as far as to pull off a 9/11 just to increase patriotism and risk crashing the whole stock market? The government would be stupid to do so. Right after 9/11 happened the stock market took a serious blow, and the nation slipped into a minor recession. We knew it was coming. You don't think the government would see such a risk?

Wow!! Evidence Suggests 9/11 Was Carried Out By the US GOVT?

no it dose not

Wow!! Evidence Suggests 9/11 Was Carried Out By the US GOVT?

Here's what's REALLY going on with 9/11!...

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